Limnology and Oceanography, V 41, N 5, pp 939-946, 1996.
Changes in climate and hydrochemical responses
in a high-elevation catchment, Rocky Mountains
Mark W. Williams
INSTAAR and Department of Geography
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO
Mark Losleben
INSTAAR and Mountain Research Station
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO
Nel Caine
INSTAAR and Department of Geography
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO
David Greenland
Department of Geography
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR
A continuous climate record since 1951 at Niwot Ridge
in the Colorado Front Range
shows a decline in mean annual temperature,
an increase in annual precipitation amount,
and a decrease in mean daily solar radiation
for the summer months.
The increase in precipitation amount explains about half
of the 200% increase in annual wet deposition of NO3
to Niwot Ridge over the last decade.
Differences in climate parameters between 1994 and
1995 (increased snow depth and decreased
net energy flux to the snowpack) resulted
in a 4 to 5-fold increase in the magnitude of solute
release from the snowpack in the form of an ionic pulse.
In turn,
the high chemical loading of strong acid anions
in the seasonal snowpack and release of these solutes
from the seasonal snowpack in the form of an ionic pulse
is causing episodic acidification (ANC < 0 ueq/L) in headwater
catchments at present deposition levels.
Small changes in climate parameters may cause large
changes in the hydrochemistry of alpine streams.
The changes in climate at Niwot Ridge
are not in synchrony with lowland
warming in the Great Plains to the east of Niwot Ridge
and serve as a reminder that climate in alpine areas
is driven by local conditions and may be asynchronous
with regional and global climate trends.