Calculate the following (20 points):
- net radiation;
- net energy balance;
- amount of snowmelt in mm for a 4 hr interval,
assuming the energy flux from (b) is constant for 4 hrs.
from these measurements:
- Kin(shortwave) = 500 W / m2
- Lin(longwave) = 200 W / m2
- shortwave integrated snow albedo = 0.60
- longwave integrated snow emissivity = 0.98
- snow temperature = 0 deg C
- at z2 = 2 m, T2 = 2 deg C
- at z2 = 2 m, q2 = 0.0055
- at z2 = 2 m, u2 = 10 m/s
- at z1 = 0.5 m, T1 = 0 deg C
- at z1 = 0.5 m, q1 = 0.006
- at z1 = 0.5 m, u1 = 5 m/s
- heat flux from soil = 6 W / m2
- density of snow = 550 kg / m3
hint 1: remember that the amount of melt = amt of energy available divided by the latent heat of fusion if the snowpack is isothermal.
hint 2: 1 Watt = 1 Joule/second