Instuctor: Mark Williams
Telephone: 492-8830

Homework 7

  1. Calculate LE using the Bowen ratio. Make sure that you keep track of positives and negatives (5 points)!
  2. Calculate the "cold content" of the snowpack, in J/m2, using the following information. The cold content of the snowpack is the amount of energy needed to bring the snowpack to an average temperature of 0 deg C (5 points).
  3. Calculate the heat advected by rain, in kJ/m2-day and W/m2. Assume the snowpack is at zero degrees C and the rain does not freeze. (5 points).
  4. Calculate the heat advected by rain, in kJ/m2-day and W/m2. Assume the snowpack is below zero and the rain freezes. (5 points).
  5. Calculate the following (20 points):
    1. net radiation;
    2. net energy balance;
    3. amount of snowmelt in mm for a 4 hr interval, assuming the energy flux from (b) is constant for 4 hrs.

    from these measurements:

    hint 1: remember that the amount of melt = amt of energy available divided by the latent heat of fusion times the density of liquid water, if the snowpack is isothermal.

    hint 2: 1 Watt = 1 Joule/second