Instuctor: Mark Williams
Telephone: 492-4794 or 492-8830


Animated Avalanches
Slab Morphology
Avalanche Motion
Stability Evaluation
Hasty Search
Additional References

Avalanche Animations

Avalanche Animation 1

Avalanche Animation 2

Silverton, Colorado, January 04

Avalanche account: read this story!

Avalanche Definitions

Slab Morphology


Snow is a unique material. It's a solid which exists close to its melting point. As a result, snow can be elastic, viscous, and brittle. Viscous deformation in snow is similar to the processes that cause folds in mountain systems. Brittle deformation is when the substance breaks, such as a fault in mountain systems. Snow has the ability to deform both viscously and elastically before brittle failure occurs.

Elastic deformation means that when force is applied to the snowpack, it deforms and when the force is removed, the snowpack returns to its original shape. Snow has a limited ability to recover from compression. The strain is relieved by elongation: viscous deformation. Viscous means that force causes the snowpack to deform without breaking and does not return to its original shape when the force is removed. Snow has both those properties. Snow is often termed a visco-elastic substance because of those properties. However, there is a limit to these properties. Snow won't indefinitely elongate, which leads to brittle failure and fractures. When snow does fracture, some of that energy is transmitted through the snowpack elastically. When that happens, the elastic energy can start avalanches on nearby slopes: sympathetic releases.

Like all materials, snow can fracture when loaded in tension, compression or shear. And like most materials, snow has substantial resistance to fracture in compression, BUT IS EASILY FRACTURED IN TENSION!

In COMPRESSION, potential fracture surfaces are pushed together and the snowpack may gain strength. Additionally, forcing grains together "age hardens" the snow, accelerating bonding between crystals. If there's a weak layer within the snowpack, the pack may not glide as a cohesive unit, but SHEAR off along this layer.

Creep and glide accentuate the tensile forces within an inclined snowpack

Creep is when the snowpack moves at different velocities under the influence of gravity. Generally the bottom of the snowpack does not move and motion (and velocity) increase with height in the snowpack. The usual approach to modelling creep behavior is to ap-ply a constitutive law that relates the bulk response of the snow to anapplied stress. For snow on a 36 šslope we expect the shearing component of motion would be about 50% greater than the compressive component. Glide is when the entire snowpack moves under the influence of gravity. Generally, as the surface roughness of the ground decreases, glide increases for a given slope angle.

Nice example of these forces on a roof.

Avalanche Motion

have a core and a dust cloud.

Have a dust cloud with no core. Often form by falling ice from steep snowfalls.



typical speeds

TYPE	V (m/s)
powder	20-70
flowing	15-60
wet	5-30

I = rho V2

Impact forces as a function of avlanche type

Impact force of an avalanche is determined by its speed, types and concentration of entrained materials, flowing densities and dimensions. Using these parameters we can evaluate the impact forces of different type of avalanches.

Avalanche Type

Mean Impact Force


Flow Density


Concentration of Solid Material


Typical Deposit Densities


Powder Avalanche 0.2-10 1-10 0-1 100-200
Wet Avalanche 30-40 150-200 30-50 500-1000
Dry Snow Avalanche 5-30 100-150 30-50 200-500


Impact Pressure (Ton) Potential Damage
0.1 Break windows
0.5 Push in doors
3 Destroy wood-framed structures
10 Uproot mature spruce
100 Move reinforced-concrete structures

Stability Evaluation

Rutschblok Test. After digging a pit and examining the snowpack layers, then isolating a section as wide as a ski, Robert Bland performs the last step in the Rutschblok test. This is but one piece of information in determining snowpack stability, and certainly not the only factor to consider.


Current Avalanche Activity

Loading Tests

Fracture Propagation


Past Avalanche Activity

Snowpack Depth

Slope Use

Ram Penetrometer

Snow Temperature

Snowpack Profile


Surface Conditions

Depth and Water Equivalent of New Snow

Type of New Snow

Density of New Snow

Snowfall Intensity (> 2.5 cm/hr)

Maximum Precipitation Intensity (> 0.5 cm/hr)

Settlement of New Snow

Wind Speed

Wind Direction

Air Temperature

Relative Humidity

Solar Radiation (slope and aspect)

Avalanche Rescue: Hasty Search Technique

1993 Flowchart by Dale Atkins and Lin Ballard.

Hydrologic and Geomorphic Roles of Avalanches


Gallatin National Forest Avalanche Center Home Page . An excellent web site maintained by Karl Birkeland.

Stability Tests

Rutshblock Test

Stuffblock Snow Stability Test

Shovel Shear Test