Natural materials (e.g. snow, ice, soil, vegetation...) are generally a
mixture of materials that exhibit different
dielectric characteristics (Sihvola and Kong, 1988). The dielectric
constant of snow (es) is comprised of an imaginary
part, which is directly related to wetness (W), and a real part which is
a function of the density (r) as well as the
wetness. Wet snow can be treated as a three-component mixture of air,
ice and water; the dielectric properties of these
materials are well known (e.g. Hallikainen, 1977), see Table 1 below.
Material | Air | Ice | Water |
Dielectric Constant (e) | 1 | 3.2 | 80 |
Table 1, Dielectric constant values, at 0 degrees C, for the three
components of wet snow. The value for water is much greater
than that for air and ice. Dry snow is considered as a mixture of ice
and air. When liquid water is introduced, its high
dielectric value drastically effects the dielectric properties of the
mixture. This signal can be measured as an
impedance of the wavelengths emitted by active dielectric sensors.
The dielectric constant of snow is a weighted average of the dielectric
constants of its three components. This
effective dielectric constant controls the rate of propagation and the
degree of absorption of electromagnetic waves in
wet snow. By using a dielecric constant that is relative to that in a
real vacuum (the dielectric constant of air is not
significantly different than that of a vacuum), a simple relationship
between the complex refractive index and the
complex dielectric constant can be assumed.
The dielectric constant of a water molecule is dominated by the
reorientation of the molecule due to its large dipole
moment. H2O is anisotropic and, because it crystallizes in a hexagonal
system, it is considered uniaxial in that there
is only one direction of single refraction, namely parallel to the
principal crystal axis known as the optic axis.
Refraction is the phenomenon which occurs when a wave crosses a boundary
between two media (dry snow and liquid
water) in which its phase velocity differs. This leads to a change in
the direction of propagation of the wavefront in
accordance with Snell's Law which relates the angles of incidence and
refraction of waves at such a boundary as;
n1 sinq1 = n2 sinq2
where n1 and n2 are the refractive indices on each side of the surface
and q1 and q2 are the corresponding angles of
incidence and refraction.
The refractive index is the ratio of the phase velocity of
electro-magnetic waves in free space (a vacuum) to that in
another specific medium; in anisotropic, uniaxial minerals there are two
refractive indices and the complex refractive
index (m) is equal to the sum of these. The dielectric constant, e, is
equal to the sum of the real (e') and imaginary
(e'') permittivity of a material and is the square of the refractive
index, or e = m2. e' is stable at approximately 3.2
with wavelength and is not significantly affected by temperature. No
reliable data exist for e'', however; this loss term
is positively correlated with both wavelength and temperature as well as
solute concentration.