Snow hydrology research site located at the
saddle on Niwot Ridge. Micromet instrumentation tower
shown; 18 snow lysimeters are located adjacent to the tower.
Mark W. Williams, Ph.D
Research Projects
Equivalent permeability of a continental,
alpine snowpack in the Colorado Front Range, USA;
Water Resources Research,
in review.
html file.
Hardy, D., M. W. Williams, and C. Escobar,
Near-surface faceted crystals and avalanche dynamics
in high-elevation, tropical mountains of Bolivia,
Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop 2000,
in press.
pdf file.
- M. W. Williams, M. R. Rikkers, and W. T. Pfeffer,
Ice columns and frozen rills in a warm snowpack,
Green Lakes Valley, Colorado, USA,
Nordic Hydrology, 2000, in press.
pdf file.
Williams, M. W.,
D. Cline,
M. Hartmann, and
T. Bardsley,
Data for snowmelt model development,
calibration, and verification at an alpine site,
Colorado Front Range,
Water Resources Research,
V 35, N 10, pp 3205-3209, 1999.
pdf file.
Hood, E. W.,
M. W. Williams, and D. Cline,
Sublimation from a seasonal snowpack at a continental,
mid-latitude alpine site,
Hydrologic Processes,
V 13, 1781-1797, 1999.
Williams, M. W.,
R. Sommerfeld,
S. Massman, and
M. Rikkers,
Correlation lengths of vertical flowpaths
in melting snowpacks, Colorado Front Range, USA,
Hydrologic Processes,
V 13, 1807-1826, 1999;
Draft html manuscript.
Williams, M. W., T. Bardsley, and M. Rikkers,
Oversampling of snow and overestimation of
inorganic nitrogen wetfall using NADP data, Niwot Ridge,
Colorado, Atmospheric Environment, V 32, N 22, pp 3827-3833,
Rikkers, M., M. W. Williams, and R. Sommerfeld,
Spatial variance of snowmelt
at a continental alpine site;
Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference, Bend, OR 1996.
- D. Cline,
Snow surface energy exchanges and snowmelt at a continental,
mid-latitude alpine site,
Water Resources Research,
in press.
- D. Cline,
Effect of seasonality of snow accumulation and melt on snow surface
energy exchanges at a continental alpine site,
J. of Applied Meteorology,
1997, in press.
M. W. Williams,
M.F. Rikkers,
Tad Pfeffer, and
Richard Sommerfeld,
Comparison of Snow Liquid Water Measurements with a Denoth Meter and
Finnish Snow-Fork, Niwot Ridge, Colorado,
AGU 96 abstract.
Bardsley, T. M and M. W. Williams,
Overcollection of solid precipitation
by a standard precipitation gage,
Niwot Ridge, CO,
Proceedings of the
Western Snow Conference, 1997.
html file.
M. Rikkers, R. Sommerfeld, and M. W. Williams,
The Rise and Decline of Western Ice Columns in Snow,
Niwot Ridge, Colorado,
AGU 96 abstract.
- D. Cline,
Snow surface energy exchanges and snowmelt at a
continental alpine site,
in Biogeochemistry of Seasonally Snow Covered Catchments,
ed. by K. Tonnessen, M. W. Williams, and M. Tranter,
IAHS-AIHS Publication 228,
International Association of Hydrological Sciences,
Wallingford, UK,