Biogeochemical cycling research during the
snow-covered season: Measuring soil temperatures
underneath the seasonal snowpack.
Research Activities
Critical loads for nitrogen deposition
in the Colorado Front Range, USA,
Ecological Applications, 2000, in press.
pdf file of manuscript.
Mcrobial activity under alpine snowpacks, Niwot Ridge, Colorado,
Biogeochemistry, V 32, pp 93-113, 1996.
Mineral nitrogen transformations in and under seasonal snow
in a high-elevation catchment, Rocky Mountains, USA,
Water Resources Research
V 32, pp 3175-3185, 1996.
Winter production of CO2 and
N2O from alpine tundra,
V110, pp 403-413, 1997.
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Solute Contributions From
Ephemeral Sub-talus Alpine Streams to Alpine Surface Waters in the
Colorado Front Range,
AGU abstract, 1996.
BIOGEOMON Conference 1997, Abstract
Organic and inorganic nitrogen pools
in talus soils and water, Green Lakes Valley,
Colorado Front Range,
Hydrologic Processes, V11, N13, 1997.
Inorganic N and microbial biomass
dynamics before and during spring snowmelt
Biogeochemistry, v 43, P 1-15, 1998.
Potential Influence of Talus Interstitial Ice on Talus
Hydrologic Flowpaths and Alpine Surface Water Chemistry
, abstract,
Seasonally Frozen Soils Symposium,
Fairbanks, Alaska, June 10-12, 1997.
Nitrogen mineralization in alpine talus fields,
Green Lakes Valley, Colorado ,
Arctic and Alpine Research,
V 30, N 3, P 266-271, 1998.
Controls on Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (DON)
in the Surface Waters of the Green Lakes Valley, Colorado Front Range,
AGU 98 Abstract.
Flow Routing in Two Watersheds in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado
AGU 98 Abstract.
Selectivity of Chemical Weathering in High
Elevation Catchments of the Colorado Front Range
AGU 98 Abstract.
Hydrologic Contributions of Alpine Talus Landforms and
Their Significance to Alpine Surface Waters.
AGU 98 Abstract.
Biogeochemical Diversity and Growth of Microbial Communities in Cold,
Unvegetated Soils of Rocky Mountain Talus Fields (4000m)
AGU 98 Abstract.