MARK W. WILLIAMS: Publications
Professor, Department of Geography and
Fellow, Insitute of Arctic and Alpine Research
University of Colorado, Boulder
Contact Information
- E-mail:
- Phone:
- (303) 492-8830 (voice)
- (303) 492-6388 (fax)
- Mailing Address:
- Dr. M. W. Williams
- University of Colorado
- Boulder, CO 80309
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Liptzin D, Detlev Helmig, Stevem K. Schmidt, Brian Seok, and Mark W. Williams, Winter gas exchange between the atmosphere and snow-covered soils on Niwot Ridge, Colorado, Plant Ecology and Diversity, in press.
Preston Daniel, Caine Thomas, McKnight Diane, Williams Mark, Hell Katherina, Miller Matthew, Johnson Pieter; Climate trends linked to long-term shifts in alpine lake ice phenology and aquatic ecosystem structure; Global Change Biology; in revision.
Freppaz M and MW Williams, Mountain soils and climate change, in Romeo, R., Vita, A., Manuelli, S., Zanini, E., Freppaz, M. & Stanchi, S. eds. 2015. Understanding Mountain Soils:
A contribution from mountain areas to the International Year of Soils 2015. Rome, Italy, FAO, MPS, UNITO, pp 115-119, 2015
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Racoviteanu AE, Y. Arnau, M. W. Williams, and W. F. Manley, Spatial patterns in glacier characteristics and area changes from 1962 to 2006 in the Kanchenjunga–Sikkim area, eastern Himalaya, The Cryosphere, 9, 505–523, 2015,, doi:10.5194/tc-9-505-2015
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Meromy L, NP Molotch, L Kueppers, MW Williams, Snowpack-climate manipulation and modeling in subalpine forests at Niwot Ridge, CO and Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM. Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, in press.
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Leopold M, Gabriel Lewis, D Dethier, N Caine, and MW Williams, Cryosphere: Ice on Niwot Ridge and in the Green Lakes Valley, Plant Ecology & Diversity,, 2015.
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Bowman WD, DR Nemergut, DM McKnight, MP Miller, and MW Williams, A Slide Down a Slippery Slope- Alpine Ecosystem Responses to Nitrogen Deposition, Plant Ecology & Diversity,, 2015.
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Seok Brian, Detlev Helmig, Daniel Liptzin, Mark W. Williams, Christoph S. Vogel, Snowpack-atmosphere gas exchanges of carbon dioxide, ozone, and nitrogen oxides at a hardwood forest site in northern Michigan, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, doi: 10.12952/journal.elementa.000040, 2015.
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Knowles JF, Adrian A. Harpold, Rory Cowie, Morgan Zeliff, Holly R. Barnard, Sean P. Burns, Peter D. Blanken, Jennifer F. Morse, Mark W. Williams, The relative contributions of alpine and subalpine ecosystems to the water balance of a mountainous, headwater catchment, Hydrologic Processes, 2015, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10526.
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Wilson A, Williams MW, Rijan B. Kyastha, Adina Racoviteanu, Use of a hydrologic mixing model to examine the roles of meltwater, monsoon precipitation, and groundwater in the Langtang River Basin, Nepal, Annals of Glaciology, in press.
Williams MW, Alana Wilson, Dendup Tshering, Pankaj Thapa, Rijan B. Kyastha, Using geochemical and isotopic chemistry to evaluate glacier melt contributions to the Chamkar River, Bhutan, Annals of Glaciology, in revision.
Alāna M. Wilson, Mark W. Williams, Richard Armstrong, Adina Racoviteanu, High Asia: Climate Change, Water Security, and International Conflicts, Journal of Asian Studies, in revision.
Knowles J, PD Blanken, MW Williams; Soil Respiration Variability Across a Soil Moisture and Vegetation Community Gradient Within a Snow-Scoured Alpine Meadow, BIOG-D-14-00376R2, in press.
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Perrot D, Noah P. Molotch, Mark Williams, Sickman, J. O., 2014: Relationships between stream nitrate concentration and spatially distributed snowmelt in high elevation catchments of the western United States. Water Resources Research, V50:11, pp 8694-8713, DOI:10.1002/2013WR015243.
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Racoviteanu, A., Arnaud, Y., Williams, M., and Manley, W. F.: Spatial patterns in glacier area and elevation changes from 1962 to 2006 in the monsoon-influenced eastern Himalaya, The Cryosphere Discuss., 8, 3949-3998, doi:10.5194/tcd-8-3949-2014, 2014.
comment on manuscript here
Cowie R, MW Williams, MWireman, and RL Runkel, Use of Natural and Applied Tracers to Guide Targeted Remediation Efforts in an Acid Mine Drainage System, Colorado Rockies, USA, Water 2014, 6(4), 745-777; doi:10.3390/w6040745.
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Burns SP, NP Molotch, MW Williams, JF Knowles, B Seok, RK Monson, AA Turnipseed, PD Blanken, Snow Temperature Changes within a Seasonal Snowpack and their Relationship to Turbulent Fluxes of Sensible and Latent Heat, Journal of Hydrometeorology 2013, V 15 (1), 117-142, DOI:10.1175/JHM-D-13-026.1, 2014
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Hinckley ELS, RT Barnes, RS Anderson, SP Anderson, MW Williams, and SM Bernasconi, Nitrogen retention and transport differ by hillslope aspect at the rain-snow transition of the Colorado Front Range, Biogeosciences, V119(7), 1281-1296, 2014.
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Leopold M, J Volkel, D Dethier, MW Williams, Changing mountain permafrost 1970s and today: comparing two examples from the Niwot Ridge, Colorado Front Range, USA, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9549, V 58 Supplement: 1, 137-157, 2014.
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Hinckley ELS, BA Ebel, RT Barnes, RS Anderson, MW Williams, and SP Anderson, Aspect control of water movement on hillslopes near the rain-snow transition of the Colorado Front Range, Hydrological Processes, DOI:10.1002/hyp.9549, V 28(1), 2014.
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Barnes R, MW Williams, N Caine, J Parman, K Hill, Thawing Glacial and Permafrost Features Contribute to Nitrogen Export from Green Lakes Valley, Colorado Front Range, USA, Biogeochemistry, DOI 10.1007/s10533-013-9886-5, V 117(2-3), 413-430, 2014.
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I.F. Creed, A.T. Spargo, J.A. Jones, J.M. Buttle, M.B. Adams, F.D. Beall, E. Booth, J. Campbell, D. Clow, K. Elder, M.B. Green, N.B. Grimm, C. Miniat, P. Ramlal, A. Saha, S. Sebestyen, D. Spittlehouse, S. Sterling, M.W. Williams, R. Winkler, H. Yao, Changing forest water yields in response to climate warming: Results from long-term experimental watershed sites across North America, Global Change Biology, 2014.
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Goss N, N Mladenov, C Seibold, K Chowanski, L Seitz, TB Wellemeyer, MW Williams, Quantifying particulate matter deposition in Niwot Ridge, Colorado: Insert collection of dry deposition and particle imaging using the FlowCAM, Atmospheric Environmen, V 80,549-558, 2013.
Racoviteanu A, R Armstrong, MW Williams, Evaluation Of An Ice Ablation Model To Estimate The Contribution Of Melting Glacier Ice To Annual Discharge In The Nepalese Himalaya, Water Resources Research, V 49(9), 5117-5133, 2013.
Freppaz M, G Filippa, G Corti, S Cocco, MW Williams and E Zanini1, Soil Properties on Ski Runs, in The Impact of Skiing on Mountain Environments, eds. Rolando A and C Rixen, Bentham Publishers, pp 45-64, 2012. DOI: 10.2174/97816080548861130101, eISBN: 978-1-60805-488-6, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-60805-632-3.
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Williams MW, The Status of Glaciers in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region, Mountain Research and Development, 33(1):114-115. 2013.
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Ferrenberg S, Sean O'Neill, Joseph Knelmana, Bryan Todd, Sam Duggan, Daniel Bradley, Taylor Robinson, Steven K. Schmidt, Alan R. Townsend, Mark Williams, Cory C. Cleveland, Brett Melbourne, Lin Jiange and Diana R. Nemergut, Changes in assembly processes in soil bacterial communities following a wildfire disturbance, ISME Journal, V 7(6), 1102-1111, 2013.
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Fain X, D. Helmig, J. Hueber, D. Obrist, and M.W. Williams, Mercury Dynamics in the Rocky Mountain, Colorado, Snowpack, Biogeosciences, 9, 15423-15458, 2013, doi:10.5194/bgd-9-15423-2012.
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Seok B, D Helmig, L Ganzeveld, MW Williams, and C Vogel, Dynamics of nitrogen oxides and ozone above and within a mixed hardwood forest in northern Michiganm, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 7301-7320, 2013
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Fain X et al., Mercury Dynamics in the Rocky Mountain, Colorado, Snowpack, Biogeosciences, accepted as discussion paper, 9, 15423-15458, 2012
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de Jong C, I Burer, A Rimmer, A Shaban, and MW Williams, "Climate and Hydrology", in Mediterranean Mountain Environments, ed IN Vogiatzakis, Wiley Blackwell, 216 pp, 2012.
Vaux, HJ Jr., D Balk, ER Cook, P Gleick, WK-M. Lau, M Levy, EL Malone, R Mcdonald, D Shindell, LG Thompson, JL Wescoat Jr., MW Williams, Himalayan Glaciers: Climate Change, Water Resources, and Water Security, National Academies Press, ISBN 978-0-309-26098-5, 218 pages, 2012.
url of report
Racoviteanu A., Williams M.W. Decision Tree and Texture Analysis for Mapping Debris-Covered Glaciers in the Kangchenjunga Area, Eastern Himalaya. Remote Sensing. 2012; 4(10):3078-3109.
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Freppaz M, MW Williams, T Seastedt, and G. Filippa, Response of soil organic and inorganic nutrients in alpine soils to a 16-year factorial snow and N-fertilization experiment, Colorado Front Range, USA, Applied Soil Ecology, Applied Soil Ecology, V 62, 131-141, 2012.
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Darrouzet-Nardi A, J Erbland, W Bowman, J Savarino, MW Williams, 2012: Landscape-level nitrogen import and export in an ecosystem with complex terrain, Colorado Front Range. Biogeochemistry, 109(1-3): 271-285. DOI: 10.1007/s10533-011-9625-8
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Gutmann ED, Larson KM, Williams MW, Nievinski FG, Zavorotny V, Snow measurement by GPS interferometric reflectometry: an evaluation at Niwot Ridge, Colorado, Hydrologic Processes, 2012, DOI:10.1002/hyp.8329, V26, pp 2951-2961.
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Mladenov N, MW Williams, SK Schmidt, K Cawley, Atmospheric deposition as a source of carbon and nutrients to an alpine catchment of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, Biogeosciences, 9, 3337-3355, doi:10.5194/bg-9-3337-2012, 2012.
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supplemental material
Knowles JF, PD Blanken, MW Williams, KM Chowanski, Energy and surface moisture seasonally limit evaporation and sublimation from snow-free alpine tundra, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, V 157, 106-115, 2012.
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Fountain AG, JL Campbell, EAG Schuur, SE Stammerjohn, MW Williams, and HW Ducklow, The Disappearing Cryosphere: Impacts and Ecosystem Responses to Rapid Cryosphere Loss, BioSciences, 62, 405-415, 2012.
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Gao J, MW Williams, XD Fu, GQ Wang, and TL Gong, Spatiotemporal Distribution of Snow in Eastern Tibet and the Response to Climate Change, Remote Sensing of Environment, 121 (2012), 1-9, 2012.
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Jepsen SM, NP Molotch, MW Williams, KE Rittger, and JO Sickman, (2012), Interannual variability of snowmelt in the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains, United States (1996-2007): Examples from two alpine watersheds, Water Resour. Res., 48, W02529, 15 PP, doi:10.1029/2011WR011006.
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Robertson PG, SL Collins, DR Foster, N Brokaw, HW Ducklow, TL Gragson, CGries, SK Hamilton, AD McGuire, JC Moore, EH Stanley, RB Waide, and MW Williams; Long Term Ecological Research in a Human Dominated World, BioScience, 62, 342-353, 2012.
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Jones JA, IF Creed, KL Hatcher, RJ Warren, MB Adams, MH Benson, E Boose, W Brown, JL Campbell, A Covich, DW Clow, CN Dahm, K Elder, CR Ford, NB Grimm, DL Henshaw, KL Larson, ES Miles, KM Miles, S Sebestyen, AT Spargo, A Stone, JM Vose, MW Williams, Ecosystem Processes and Human Influences Regulate Streamflow Response to Climate Change at Long-Term Ecological Research Sites, BioScience, 62, 390-404, 2012.
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Janke JR, MW Williams, A. Evans, Geomorphology, V 138, N 1, 2012, pp. 111 - 120, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.08.029
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Mark W. Williams, Rebecca T. Barnes, Jordan N. Parman, Michele Freppaz and Eran Hood, Stream Water Chemistry along an Elevational Gradient from the Continental Divide to the Foothills of the Rocky Mountains, Vadose Zone Journal, doi:10.2136/vzj2010.0131, 10:900-914, 2011.
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Zaslavsky I, Thomas Whitenack, Mark Williams, David Tarboton, Kimberly A. T. Schreuders and Anthony Aufdenkampe, Initial Design of Data Sharing Infrastructure for the Critical Zone Observatory, Environmental Information Management, 2011 (in press).
Leopold M, Williams MW, Caine N, Volkel J, Dethier D; Internal Structure of the Green Lake 5 Rock Glacier, Colorado Front Range, USA; Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 2011, V/N 22/2, pp 107-119, DOI: 10.1002/ppp.706.
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L. Nagy, M. Williams, B. Erschbamer, and F. Bonet, Expanding Long-Term Ecological Research to an Alpine network, Examples of LTER in the USA and Europe, in Spehn EM, Rudmann-Maurer K, Körner C, Maselli D (eds.) 2010, Mountain Biodiversity and Global Change. GMBA-DIVERSITAS, Basel
Schmidt SK, R. C. Lynch, A. J. King, D. Karki, M. S. Robeson, L. Nagy, M. W. Williams, M. S. Mitter, and K. R. Freeman, Phylogeography of microbial phototrophs in the dry valleys of the high Himalayas and Antarctica, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2010.1254, Proc. R. Soc. B, pp 1-7, published online 8 September 2010.
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Leopold M, J Voelkel, D Dethier, M Williams, N Caine, Mountain Permafrost - A Valid Archive to Study Climate Change? Examples from the Rocky Mountains Front Range of Colorado, USA, Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 112, Nr. 384, 281-289 (2010)
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Williams MW, TA Erickson, and JL Petrzelka, Visualizing meltwater flow through snow at the centimetre-to-metre scale using a snow guillotine, Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7630, 2010.
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Miller MP, BE Simone, DM McKnight, RM Cory, MW Williams and EW Boyer, New light on a dark subject: comment, Aquatic Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s00027-010-0130-2, 72:269-275, 2010.
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Freppaz M, D Godone, G Filippa, M Maggioni, S Lunardi, MW Williams, E Zanini; Soil Erosion Caused by Snow Avalanches: A Case Study in the Aosta Val
ley (NW-ITALY), Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 42, No. 4, 2010, pp. 412-421.
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Filippa G, M Freppaz, MW Williams, E Zanini; Major Element Chemistry in inner-alpine Snowpacks (Aosta Valley Region, North Western Italy), Cold Regions Science and Technology, doi:10.1016/j.coldregions.2010.07.005, 2010 (in press).
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Larson, K. M., E. D. Gutmann, V. U. Zavorotny, J. J. Braun, M. W.
Williams, and F. G. Nievinski (2009), Can we measure snow depth with
GPS receivers?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L17502,
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Williams MW, D Helmig, P Blanken, White on green: under-snow microbial processes and trace gas fluxes through snow, Niwot Ridge, Colorado Front Range, Biogeochemistry. DOI 10.1007/s10533-009-9330-z. Volume 95, Issue 1 (2009), pp 1-12.
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Blanken P, MW Williams, SP Burns, RK Monson, J Knowles, K Chowanski, T Ackerman, A comparison of water and carbon dioxide exchange at a windy alpine
tundra and subalpine forest site near Niwot Ridge, Colorado, Biogeochemistry, DOI 10.1007/s10533-009-9325-9. Volume 95, Issue 1 (2009), pp 61-76.
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Fassnacht SR, MW Williams, MV Corrao, Changes in the surface roughness of snow from millimetre to metre scales, Ecological Complexity 6 (2009) 221-229.
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Maggioni M, M Freppaz, P Piccini, MW Williams, & Zanini, Snow cover effects on glacier ice surface temperature, Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 41(3):323-329. 2009. doi: 10.1657/1938-4246-41.3.323.
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Helmig D, Seok B, Williams MW, Hueber J, Sanford R Jr, Fluxes and Chemistry of Nitrogen Oxides in the Niwot Ridge, Colorado, Snowpack, Biogeochemistry, DOI 10.1007/s10533-009-9312-1. Volume 95, Issue 1 (2009), pp 115-130.
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Seok B, Helmig D, Williams MW, Liptzin D, Chowanski K, Hueber J,
An automated system for continuous measurements of trace gas fluxes through snow: an evaluation of the gas diffusion method at a subalpine forest site, Niwot Ridge, Colorado, Biogeochemistry, DOI 10.1007/s10533-009-9302-3. Volume 95, Issue 1 (2009), pp 95-113.
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Liptzin D, Williams MW, Helmig D, Seok B, Filippa G, Chowanski K, Hueber J, Process-level controls on CO2 fluxes from a seasonally snow-covered subalpine meadow soil, Niwot Ridge, Colorado DOI: 10.1007/s10533-009-9303-2, Biogeochemistry, DOI 10.1007/s10533-009-9303-2. Volume 95, Issue 1 (2009), pp 151-166.
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Filippa G, Freppaz M, Williams MW, Helmig D, Liptzin D, Seok B, Hall B, Chowanski K, Winter and summer nitrous oxide and nitrogen oxides fluxes from a seasonally snow-covered subalpine meadow at Niwot Ridge, Colorado, Biogeochemistry, DOI 10.1007/s10533-009-9304-1. Volume 95, Issue 1 (2009), pp 131-149.
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Miller, M. P., McKnight, D.M., Chapra, S.C., and Williams, M.W.. A model of degradation and production of three pools of dissolved organic matter in an alpine lake. Limnol. Oceanogr., 54(6), p 2213-2227, 2009.
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Williams MW, C Seibold, and K Chowanski, Storage and Release of Solutes from a Subalpine Seasonal Snowpack: Soil and Stream Water Response, Niwot Ridge, Colorado. Biogeochemistry 95(1), pp 77-94, 2009, DOI: 10.1007/s10533-009-9288-x
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Flanagan CM, DM McKnight, D Liptzin, MW Williams, and MP Miller, Response of the Phytoplankton Community in an Alpine Lake to Drought Conditions: Colorado Rocky Mountain Front Range, U.S., Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Reearch, Vol. 41, No. 2, 2009, pp. 191-203
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Nanus, L., Williams, M.W., Campbell, D.H., Tonnessen, K.A., Blett, T., Clow, D.W. Assessment of Lake Sensitivity to Acidic Deposition in National Parks of the Rocky Mountains, Ecological Applications, 19(4), pp. 961-973, 2009.
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Bowling, D. R.; W. J. Massman; S. M. Schaeffer; S. P. Burns; R. K. Monson; M. W. Williams, Biological and physical influences on the carbon isotope content of CO2 in a subalpine forest snowpack, Niwot Ridge, Colorado, Biogeochemistry, DOI 10.1007/s10533-008-9233-4. Volume 95, Issue 1 (2009), pp 37-59.
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Molotch, N. P., T. Meixner, and M. W. Williams (2008), Estimating stream chemistry during the snowmelt pulse using a spatially distributed, coupled snowmelt and hydrochemical modeling approach, Water Resour. Res., 44, W11429, doi:10.1029/2007WR006587.
pdf version
Bebbington, A. and M. W. Williams, Water and mining conflicts in Peru, Mountain Research and Development, V28 N3/4, Aug-Nov 2008: pp 190-195, doi:10.1659/mrd.1039.
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Li, X. G. and M. W. Williams, Snowmelt Runoff Modeling in an Arid Mountain Watershed, Tarim Basin,
China, Hydrologic Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7098, V 2, pp 3931-3940, 2008.
online version
Nanus, L., M. W. Williams, D. H. Campbell, E. M. Elliott, and C. Kendall, Evaluating Regional Patterns in Nitrate Sources to Watersheds in National Parks of the Rocky Mountains using Nitrate Isotopes, Environmental Science and Technology, 2008, 42, 6487-6493.
pdf file
supplemental info
John D. Marshall, John M. Blair, Deb Peters, Greg Okin, Albert Rango, Mark
Williams, Predicting and Understanding Ecosystem Responses to Climate Change at
Continental Scales, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 6(5): 273-280, doi:10.1890/070165, 2008.
pdf file
A. Racoviteanu, Y. Arnaud, M. W. Williams, M. Zapata, and J. Ordonez,
Decadal changes in glacial parameters for the Cordillera Blanca, Peru derived from SPOT 5 satellite imagery and aerial photography, Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 54, No. 186, pp 499-510, 2008.
pdf file
Racoviteanu, A., M. W. Williams, and R. G. Barry; Review: Optical Remote Sensing of Glacier Characteristics: A Review with Focus on the Himalaya, Sensors 2008, 8, 3355-3383; DOI: 10.3390/s8053355.
online version
M. I. Litaor, M. W. Williams, and T. Seastedt, Topographic controls on snow distribution, soil moisture, and species diversity of herbaceous alpine vegetation, Niwot Ridge, Colorado, JGR: Biogeosciences, 113, G02008, doi:10.1029/2007JG000419, 2008.
pdf file
Lazar, B., and M. W. Williams,
Climate change in western ski areas: Potential changes in the timing of wet avalanches and snow quality for the Aspen ski area in the years 2030 and 2100,
Cold Regions Science and Technology, V 51, pp 219-228, 2008.
pdf file
Williams, M. W., M. Knauf, R. Cory, N. Caine, and F. J. Liu,
Nitrate content and potential microbial signature of rock glacier
outflow, Colorado Front Range,
Earth Surface Processes,
DOI: 10.1002/esp.1455, v 32 (7), pp 1032-1047, 2007.
pdf file
Molotch, N. P., P. D. Blanken, M. W. Williams, A. Turnipseed, R. Monson,
gnd S. Margulis,
Estimating sublimation of intercepted and sub-canopy snow
using eddy covariance systems, Hydrologic Processes,
DOI:10.1002/hyp.6719, V21, N12, pp 1597-1607, 2007.
pdf file
Adina E. Racoviteanu, William F. Manley, Yves Arnaud and Mark W.Williams,
Evaluating digital elevation models for glaciologic applications: An example from Nevado Coropuna, Peruvian Andes,
Global and Planetary Change,
doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2006.11.03, v 59, p 110-125, 2007.
pdf file
Miller MP, DM McKnight, RM Cory, MW Williams, and RL Runkel,
Hyporheic Exchange and Fulvic Acid Redox Reactions in an Alpine Stream/Wetland Ecosystem, Colorado Front Range, Environmental Science & Technology,
V 40, pp 5943-5949, 2006.
pdf file
Hock, R., G. Rees, M. W. Williams, E. Ramirez;
Preface: Contributions from glaciers and snow cover to runoff from mountains
in different climates; special issue; Hydrologic Processes, v 20, 2006.
pdf file
Monson, R. K., S.P. Burns, M.W. Williams, A. C. Delany, M. Weintraub, D.L. Lipson,
The contribution of beneath snow soil respiration to total
ecosystem respiration in a high-elevation, subalpine forest,
Global Biogeochemical Cycles,
pp GB3030:1-13,
V 20,
pdf file
Monson, R. K., D.L. Lipson, S.P. Burns, A.A. Turnipseed, A. C. Delany, M.W. Williams, S.K. Schmidt,
Winter forest soil respiration controlled by climate and microbial community composition,
Nature, doi:10.1038/nature04555, Volume 439 Number 7077, pp 711-714,
Feb 2006.
pdf file
Williams, M. W., M. Knauf, N. Caine, F. Liu, and P. Verplanck,
Geochemistry and Source Waters of Rock Glacier Outflow, Colorado Front Range,
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, DOI: 10.1002.ppp535, 17 (1), 13-33, 2006.
pdf file
Nanus, L., DH Campbell, and MW Williams,
Sensitivity of Alpine and Subalpine Lakes to Acidification
from Atmospheric Deposition in the Grand Teton National Park
and Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming,
USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5023, pp 1-37, 2005.
Konovalov, V. and M. W. Williams,
Multi-year oscillations of glacier regime and river
discharge in Central Asia in recent years,
Meteorology and Hydrology, 9, 2005 (in Russian).
Erickson, T., M. W. Williams, and A. Winstral,
Persistence of topographic controls on the spatial distribution of snow depth
in rugged mountain terrain, Colorado, USA,
Water Resources Research,
Vol. 41, No. 4, W04014,
23 April 2005.
pdf file
Hood, E., M. W. Williams, and D. McKnight, "Sources of dissolved
organic matter (DOM) in a Rocky Mountain stream using chemical
fractionation and stable isotopes",
Biogeochemistry, DOI: 10.1007/s10533-004-4322-5,
74 (2), 231-255, 2005.
pdf file
Liu, F., M. W. Williams, and N. Caine,
Source waters and flowpaths in a seasonally snow-covered catchment,
Water Resources Research,
Vol 40, W09401,
pdf file
T. Seastedt, B. Bowman, N. Caine, D. McKnight, A. Townsend, and M. W. Williams,
The landscape continuum: A conceptual model for high elevation ecosystems, BioScience, 111-122, 2004.
pdf file of manuscript
Ley, R., M. W. Williams, and S. Schmidt,
Microbial population
dynamics in an extreme environment: controlling factors in talus soils
at 3750m in the Colorado Rocky Mountains,
V 68 (3), 297-311, 2004.
pdf file of pre-print.
Hood E, McKnight, D., and Williams MW,
Sources and chemical
character of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) across an alpine/subalpine
ecotone, Green Lakes Valley, Colorado Front Range, USA,
V 39, N 7,
Water Resources Research, 2003.
pdf file of pre-print.
Hood E, Williams MW, and Caine N (2003), Landscape controls on organic
and inorganic nitrogen leaching across an alpine-subalpine ecotone,
Green Lakes Valley, Colorado Front Range. Ecosystems 6: 31-45.
pdf file of manuscript.
Taylor, S., Feng, X., M. W. Williams, and J McNamara,
How isotopic fractionation of snowmelt
affects hydrograph separation,
Hydrologic Processes,
V 16, pp 3683-3690, 2002.
pdf file of manuscript.
Williams, M. W., M. Losleben, and H. Hamann,
Alpine areas in the Colorado Front Range
as monitors of climate change and ecosystem response,
Geographical Review,
92 (2), pp 180-191, 2002.
pdf file of manuscript.
Hazen, J. M., M. W. Williams, B. Stover, and M. Wireman,
Acid mine drainage characterization and remediation using
a combination of hydrometric, chemical, and isotopic analyses,
Mary Murphy Mine, Colorado,
Environmental Geochemistry and Health,
V 24, pp 1-22, 2002.
pdf file of manuscript.
Hood, E. W., M. W. Williams, and N. Caine,
Yields of dissolved organic C, N, and P from three
high-elevation catchments, Colorado Front Range, USA
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, V 2, pp 165-180, 2002.
pdf file of manuscript.
Hood, E. W. and M. W. Williams,
Seasonal changes in the character and nitrogen
content of dissolved organic material in an
alpine/subalpine headwater catchment,
The Scientific World,
V 1, 2001.
pdf file of manuscript.
Williams, M. W. and D. Manthorne,
Class I areas at risk: Event-based nitrogen deposition
to a high-elevation, western site,
The Scientific World,
V 1, 2001.
pdf file of manuscript.
Williams, M. W., E. Hood, G. Ostberg, B. Francou, and R. Galarraga,
Synoptic survey of inorganic and organic C, N, and P concentrations,
paramo high-altitude region, Antisana Ecological Reserve, Ecuador,
Arctic, Alpine, and Antarctic Research, V 33, N 4, pp 397-403,
Hardy, D., M. W. Williams, and C. Escobar,
Near-surface faceted crystals and avalanche dynamics
in high-elevation, tropical mountains of Bolivia,
Cold Regions Science and Technology,
33 (2-3), 291-302, 2001.
pdf file of manuscript.
Williams, M. W., E. Hood, and N. Caine,
The role of organic nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle
of a high-elevation catchment, Colorado Front Range, USA,
Water Resources Research,
V 37, N 10, pp 2569-2582, 2001.
pdf file of manuscript.
Pomeroy, J.W., Holler, P., Marsh, P., Walker, D.A. and M. Williams 2001.
Snow vegetation interactions: issues for a new initiative.
in, (eds. A.J. Dolman, A.J. Hall, M.L. Kavvas, T. Oki and J.W. Pomeroy)
Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer Schemes and Large Scale Hydrological
Models. IAHS Publ. No. 270, IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK 299-305
Inyan, B. and M. W. Williams,
Protecting headwater catchments from future
degradation, San Miguel River, CO,
Mountain Research and Development,
V 21, N 1, pp 71-78, 2001.
pdf file of manuscript.
Williams, M. W. and K. A. Tonnessen,
Critical loads for inorganic nitrogen deposition
in the Colorado Front Range, USA,
Ecological Applications, V 10, N 6, pp 1648-1665, 2000.
pdf file of manuscript.
Williams, M. W., M. R. Rikkers, and W. T. Pfeffer,
Ice columns and frozen rills in a warm snowpack,
Green Lakes Valley, Colorado, USA,
Nordic Hydrology,
V 31, N 3,
pp 169-186,
pdf file of manuscript.
Meixner, T. M.,
R. C. Bales,
M. W. Williams,
D. H. Campbell, and
J. S. Baron,
Stream chemistry modeling of two watersheds in
the Front Range, Colorado,
Water Resources Research,
V 36, P 77-88, N 1, 2000.
pdf file of manuscript.
Baron, J. S. and
M. W. Williams,
Preface, Recent Loch Vale Watershed Research,
Water Resources Research,
V 36, P 11-12, N 1, 2000.
pdf file of manuscript.
Williams, M. W.,
D. Cline,
M. Hartmann, and
T. Bardsley,
Data for snowmelt model development,
calibration, and verification at an alpine site,
Colorado Front Range,
Water Resources Research,
V 35, N 10, pp 3205-3209, 1999.
pdf file
Brooks, P. D. and M. W. Williams,
Snowpack controls on nitrogen cycling,
Hydrologic Processes,
V 13, pp 2177-2190, 1999.
pdf file of manuscript.
Hood, E. W.,
M. W. Williams, and D. Cline,
Sublimation from a seasonal snowpack at a continental,
mid-latitude alpine site,
Hydrologic Processes,
V 13, 1781-1797, 1999.
pdf file of manuscript.
Williams, M. W.,
R. Sommerfeld,
S. Massman, and
M. Rikkers,
Correlation lengths of vertical flowpaths
in melting snowpacks, Colorado Front Range, USA,
Hydrologic Processes,
V 13, 1807-1826, 1999.
pdf file of manuscript.
Liu, F., M. W. Williams, J. Sun, S. Zhu, E. Hood, and G. Cheng
Hydrochemical processes and hydrological separation at
the headwaters of the Urumqi River,
Tianshan Mountains, China,
Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology,
V 21, N 4, pp 362-370, 1999.
Liu, F., M. W. Williams, G. Cheng, S. Zhu, C. Wang, and T. Han,
Hydrochemical processes of snowmelt and stream water in Urumqi River,
Tianshan Mountains,
Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology,
V 21, N 3, pp 213-218, 1999 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Inyan, B., M. W. Williams, K. A. Tonnessen, D. Campbell, and J. Turk,
Nitrogen leaching from high-elevation lakes
on the west slope of the Colorado Front Range,
Physical Geography, V 19, N 4, pp 406-420, 1998.
Williams, M. W., T. Bardsley, and M. Rikkers,
Oversampling of snow and overestimation of
inorganic nitrogen wetfall using NADP data, Niwot Ridge,
Colorado, Atmospheric Environment, V 32, N 22, pp 3827-3833,
pdf file
Brooks, P. D., M. W. Williams, and S. K. Schmidt,
Inorganic nitrogen and microbial biomass
dynamics before and during spring snowmelt
Biogeochemistry, V 43, pp 1-15, 1998.
pdf file
Bieber, A., M. W. Williams, M. Johnsson, and T. Davinroy,
Mineralization in alpine talus fields,
Green Lakes Valley, Colorado, Arctic and Alpine Research,
v 30, n 3, pp 266-271, 1998.
Williams, M. W., P. D. Brooks, and T. Seastedt,
Nitrogen and carbon soil dynamics in response to climate
change in a high-elevation ecosystem in the Rocky Mountains
Arctic and Alpine Research, V 30, N 1, pp 25-29, 1998.
Williams, M. W., T. Davinroy, and P. D. Brooks,
Organic and inorganic nitrogen pools
in talus soils and water, Green Lakes Valley,
Colorado Front Range,
Hydrologic Processes,
V 11, N 13, pp 1747-1760, 1997.
Brooks, P. D., S. K. Schmidt, and M. W. Williams,
Winter production of CO2 and N2O from alpine tundra;
environmental controls and relationship to inter-system C and N fluxes,
Oecologia, V110, pp 403-413, 1997.
pdf file
Liu, F., M., Williams, D., Yang, Preliminary studies on ionic pulse of
snowmelt runoff in Urumqi River, Tianshan, China, Chinese Science
Bulletin. Vol. 42(19): pp 1643-1646, 1997 (in English).
Liu, F., M., Williams, D., Yang, Preliminary studies on ionic pulse of
snowmelt runoff in Urumqi River, Tianshan, China, Chinese Science
Bulletin. Vol. 42(4): pp 417-419. (in Chinese), 1997.
Williams, M. W., P. D. Brooks, A. Mosier, and K. A. Tonnessen,
Mineral nitrogen transformations in and under seasonal snow
in a high-elevation catchment in the Rocky Mountains, USA,
Water Resources Research, V 32, N 10, pp 3161-3171, 1996.
pdf file
Williams, M. W., M. Losleben, N. Caine, and D. Greenland,
Changes in climate and hydrochemical responses
in a high-elevation catchment, Rocky Mountains,
Limnology and Oceanography
V 41, N 5, pp 939-946, 1996.
pdf file
Williams, M. W., J. Baron, N. Caine, R. Sommerfeld, and R. Sanford,
Nitrogen saturation in the Colorado Front Range,
Environmental Science and Technology,
V 30, P 640-646, 1996.
pdf file
Brooks, P. D., M. W. Williams, and S. K. Schmidt,
Microbial activity under alpine snowpacks, Niwot Ridge, Colorado,
Biogeochemistry, V 32, p 93-113, 1996.
pdf file
Liu, F., D. Yang, and M. W. Williams,
A comparison of solute concentrations in snowpack and streamflow and its
application in hydrograph separation in Dry Cirque, Urumqi River, Tianshan.
Geographical Studies, Beijing, China, in press (in Chinese, English abstract)
Williams, M. W., R. C. Bales, J. Melack, and A. Brown,
Fluxes and transformations of nitrogen in a high-elevation catchment,
Biogeochemistry, V 28, pp 1-31, 1995.
pdf file
Williams, M. W., D. Yang, F. Liu, J. Turk, and J. Melack,
Controls on the major ion chemistry of the Urumqi River,
Tian Shan, PR China, Journal of Hydrology, V 172, p 209-229, 1995.
Williams, M. W., A. Brown, and J. M. Melack,
Geochemical and hydrologic controls on the composition of surface water
in a high-elevation basin, Sierra Nevada,
Limnology and Oceanography, V 38, 775-797, 1993.
pdf file
Bales, R. C., M. W. Williams, and R. A. Wolford,
Discussion on "Acidification potential of snowpacks in Sierra Nevada",
Journal of Environmental Engineering, V 119, pp 399-401, 1993.
Bales, R. C., R. E. Davis, and M. W. Williams,
Tracer release in melting snow: diurnal and seasonal patterns,
Hydrologic Processes, V 7, pp 389-401, 1993.
Williams, M. W., K. Tonnessen, J. Melack, D. Yang,
Sources and spatial variation of the solute content of snow in the
Tien Shan, PR China, Annals of Glaciology, V 16, pp 25-32, 1992.
Dozier, J. and M. W. Williams,
Hydrology and hydrochemistry of alpine basins,
Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union,
73, N 3, pp 33, 1992.
Williams, M. W. and J. M. Melack,
Precipitation chemistry in and ionic loading to an alpine basin,
Sierra Nevada,
Water Resources Research, V 27, 1563-1574, 1991.
pdf file
Williams, M. W. and J. M. Melack,
Solute chemistry of snowmelt and runoff in an alpine basin,
Sierra Nevada,
Water Resources Research, V 27, 1563-1574, 1991.
pdf file
Williams, M. W., and J. M. Melack,
Effects of spatial and temporal variation in snow melt on nitrate and sulfate
pulses in melt waters within an alpine basin,
Annals of Glaciology, pp 285-289, V 13, 1989.
Peer-Reviewed Symposium
Erickson, T. A., M.W. Williams, and R.A. Sommerfeld,
Spatial Statistics of Snowmelt,
ed. by L. R. Bentley, J.F.Sykes, C. A. Brebbia, W. G. Gray, and G.F. Pinder,
Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on
Computational Methods in Water Resources, Calgary, Canada, June 2000,
A.A. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam,
V 2, pp 1147-1152, Rotterdam, 2000.
Liu, F., Y. Baisheng, D. Yang, and M. W. Williams,
Components and sources of ions
within the streamwater and snowpack in an
ice-free cirque at the headwaters of the
Urumqi River, Tianshan Mountains,
5th National Conference on Glaciology and Geocryology,
Gansu, China, Gansu Culure Press,
1996 (in Chinese, English abstract).
Liu, F., M. W. Williams, and D. Yang,
Snow and water chemistry of a headwater alpine basin,
Urumqi River, Tian Shan, PR China,
Biogeochemistry of Seasonally Snow Covered Catchments,
edited by K. Tonnessen, M. W. Williams, and M. Tranter,
IAHS-AIHS Publication 228,
International Association of Hydrological Sciences,
Wallingford, UK, pp 207-220, 1995.
Brooks, P. D., M. W. Williams, and S. K. Schmidt,
Snowpack controls on soil nitrogen dynamics
in the Colorado alpine,
Biogeochemistry of Seasonally Snow Covered Basins,
edited by K.A. Tonnessen, M. W. Williams, and M. Tranter,
IAHS-AIHS Publication 228,
Wallingford, UK, pp 283-292, 1995.
Brooks. P. D., M. W. Williams, D. Walker, and S. K. Schmidt,
The Niwot Ridge snowfence experiment:
biogeochemical responses to changes in the seasonal snowpack,
Biogeochemistry of Seasonally Snow Covered Basins,
ed by K. A. Tonnessen, M. W. Williams, and M. Tranter,
IAHS-AIHS Publication 228,
International Association of Hydrological Sciences,
Wallingford, UK, pp 293-302, 1995.
Cress, B., M. W. Williams, and H. Sievering,
Dry deposition of nitrogen to wet snow, Niwot Ridge, CO,
Biogeochemistry of Seasonally Snow Covered Basins,
ed by K. A. Tonnessen, M. W. Williams, and M. Tranter,
IAHS-AIHS Publication 228,
International Association of Hydrological Sciences,
Wallingford, UK,
pp 33-40, 1995.
Williams, M. W.,
Snowpack storage and release of nitrogen
in the Emerald Lake Watershed, Sierra Nevada,
Proceedings of the Eastern Snow Conference,
V 50, pp 239-246, 1994.
Williams, M. W., A. D. Brown, and J. M. Melack,
Biochemical modifications of snowmelt runoff in an alpine basin,
Hydrological Interactions Between Atmosphere, Soil and Vegetation,
ed by G. Kienitz, P. C. D. Milly, M. Th. Van Genuchten,
D. Rosbjerg, and W. J. Shuttleworth,
IAHS-AIHS Publication 204,
International Association of Hydrological Sciences,
Wallingford, UK, pp 457-465, 1991.
Williams, M. W., R. Kattelmann, J. M. Melack,
Groundwater contributions to the hydrochemistry of an alpine basin,
Hydrology in Mountainous Regions.
I-Hydrological Measurements: the Water Cycle,
H. Lang and A. Musy
IAHS-AIHS Publication 193,
International Association of Hydrological Sciences,
Wallingford, UK,
pp 741-748, 1990
Melack, J. M., M. W. Williams, and J. O. Sickman,
Episodic acidification during snowmelt in waters
of the Sierra Nevada, California,
Proceedings, International Mountain Watershed Symposium, Lake Tahoe,
Poppoff, I. G., C. R. Goldman, S. L. Loeb and L. B. Leopold,
Tahoe Resource Conservation District,
pp 426-436, 1988.
Published Reviews
Journal of Climate,
Arctic and Alpine Research,
Books and Book Chapters
Williams, M.W., Hood, E., and Caine, N., Headwater catchments of the
Boulder Creek Watershed: Chapter 8 in Murphy, S.F., Verplanck, P.L., and
Barber, L.B., Eds., Comprehensive water quality of the Boulder Creek
Watershed, Colorado, during high-flow and low-flow conditions, 2000: U.S.
Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 03-4045, pp 185-197, 2003.
Friend, D. A. and Williams M.W., 2003. "Water Quality as an input to
Development Policy." In: Taylor, Leslie and Anne Ryall, editors,
Sustainable Mountain Communities: Environmental Sustainability for
Mountain Areas Impacted by Tourism and Amenity Migration, The Banff
Centre, Canada. pp. 93-97. ISBN 1-984773-07-1.
Williams, MW., B. Francou, E. Hood, and B. Vaughn,
Interpreting climate signals from a shallow equatorial core:
Antisana, Ecuador, in "The Patagonian Icefields",
ed. by Casassa, G., F. V. Sepulveda, and R. M. Sinclair,
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 169-176, 2002.
pdf file of manuscript.
Williams, M. W., and N. Caine,
Hydrology and hydrochemistry, in
Alpine Dynamics: The Structure and Function
of an Alpine Ecosystem: Niwot Ridge, Colorado,
Bowman, W. and T. R. Seastedt, eds,
Oxford University Press,
pp 75-98,
Williams, M. W.,
Contributing Author, Hydrology definitions,
Dictionary of Geophysics, Astrophysics, and Astronomy,
ed. by R. A. Matzner,
CRC Press, New York, NY, 1-526 pp, 2001.
Brooks, P. D. and M. W. Williams,
Snowpack controls on nitrogen cycling and export
in seasonally snow-covered catchments, in
Snow Hydrology, the Integration of Physical,
Chemical, and Biological Systems,
ed. by J. P. Hardy, M. R. Albert, and P. Marsh,
pp 2177-2190,
Wiley Interscience, 1999.
Interactions Between the Cryosphere, Climate, and Greenhouse Gases,
ed by M. Tranter, R. Armstrong, E. Brun, G. Jones, M. Sharp, and M. Williams,
IAHS-AIHS Publication 256,
International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Wallingford, UK,
281 pages, 1999.
Biogeochemistry of Seasonally Snow Covered Catchments,
ed by K. A. Tonnessen, M. W. Williams, and M. Tranter,
IAHS-AIHS Publication 228,
International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Wallingford, UK,
473 pages, 1995.
Hydrologic and Geochemical Controls on the
Hydrochemistry of the Seasonally Snow-Covered
Emerald Lake Watershed, Sierra Nevada, California,
Williams, M. W., Ph. D. Thesis,
Biological Sciences, University of California at Santa Barbara,
Santa Barbara, CA, 1991.
Non-Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings
Molotch, N.P., P.D. Blanken, M.W. Williams, A.A. Turnipseed, R.K. Monson, and S.A. Margulis,
Estimating sublimation of intercepted and sub-canopy snow using eddy covariance systems,
Proc. of the 63rd Eastern Snow Conference, Newark, Delaware, 2006.
Wireman, M., J. Gertson, and M.W. Williams;
Hydrogeological characterization of ground waters,
mine pools, and the Leadville Mine Drainage Tunnel,
Leadville, CO;
ICARD Mining Conference,
March 2006.
Friend, D. A. and M.W. Williams, forthcoming. "Water Quality as an input
to Development Policy." Proceedings, Sustainable Mountain Communities
(SUSTCOM) - Environmental Sustainability for Mountain Areas Impacted by
Tourism and Amenity Migration, The Banff Centre, Canada.
Williams, M.W. and M. Knoll,
Measuring material properties of a wet and draining
snowpack using crosshole radar tomography,
Proceedings of the 70th Western Snow Conference,
pp 49-57,
Granby, Colorado, 2002.
Liu, F., M. W. Williams, R. Webb, and T.Ackerman,
Application of XTOP_PRMS Model in Green Lakes Valley,
Colorado Front Range: Runoff simulation and flowpath identification,
Proceedings of the 70th Western Snow Conference,
pp 58-66,
Granby, Colorado, 2002.
Ackerman, T., T. Erickson, and M. W. Williams,
Combining GIS and GPS to improve our
understanding of the spatial distribution of
snow water equivalence (SWE),
Proceedings of the ESRI USERS Conference,
San Diego, CA, 2001.
Erickson, T., M. W. Williams, and M. Tomaszewski,
Landscape controls on snow accumulation in
an alpine catchment,
Proceedings of the 69th Western Snow Conference,
Sun Valley, Idaho, 2001.
pdf file of manuscript.
Hardy, D., M. W. Williams, and C. Escobar,
Near-surface faceted crystals and avalanche dynamics
in high-elevation, tropical mountains of Bolivia,
International Snow Science Workshop,
American Avalanche Association, Bozeman, MT, pp 109-114, 2000.
pdf file of manuscript.
Fox, A. M., and M. W. Williams,
Equivalent permeability of a continental, alpine snowpack,
Western Snow Conferrence, Tahoe, California,
Williams, M. W. and K. A. Tonnessen,
Merging science and policy:
setting N deposition critical loads
in the Rocky Mountains, USA,
Proceedings of the 5th National Watershed Coalition:
Living in your watershed,
18-21 May, 1997, Reno, Nevada,
National Watershed Coalition,
Lakewood, CO 80232, 1998.
Brown, S. M. and M. W. Williams,
Using GIS to spatially distribute snow water equivalent,
Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference,
P 126-130, 1998.
Bardsley, T. and M. W. Williams,
Oversampling of snow by a solid precipitation
collector, Niwot Ridge, CO
Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference,
p 354-362,
Williams, M. W.,
Balancing basic and applied science in a mountain
science classroom,
Mountain Research-Challenges and Directions for
the 21st Century, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan,
American Association for the Advancement of Science,
Washington, DC, in press.
Williams, M. W.,
D. W. Clow,
Particulate contributions to post-depositional
changes in snow chemistry of central Asia,
Mountain Research-Challenges and Directions for
the 21st Century, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan,
American Association for the Advancement of Science,
Washington, DC, in press.
Aizen, V., E. Aizen, J. Melack, and M. W. Williams,
Stream chemistry in the central Tien Shan, Suusamir Valley,
Mountain Research-Challenges and Directions for
the 21st Century, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan,
American Association for the Advancement of Science,
Washington, DC, in press.
Rikkers, M., M. W. Williams, and R. Sommerfeld,
Spatial statistics of meltwater flux at a continental
alpine site, Rocky Mountains,
Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference, p 23-31, 1996.
Tonnessen, K. A., M. W. Williams, and M. Tranter,
Preface, Biogeochemistry of Seasonally Snow Covered Catchments,
ed by K. Tonnessen, M. W. Williams, and M. Tranter,
IAHS-AIHS Publication 228,
International Association of Hydrological Sciences,
Wallingford, UK,
v-vi, 1995.
Williams, M. W., K. Elder, C. Soiseth, and R. Kattelmann,
Aquatic ecology as a function of avalanche runout
into an alpine lake,
A Merging of Theory and Practice : Proceedings / International Snow Science Workshop,
ISSW Workshop Committee,
Breckinridge, CO, p 47-56, 1992.
Williams, M. W., and N. Caine,
Hydrologic similarities in maritime and continental alpine basins,
Proceedings of AGU Hydrology Days, V 12, p 338-351, 1992.
Williams, M. W.,
Hydrologic flowpaths of snowpack runoff in a high-elevation catchment,
Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference,
V 60, p 103-112, 1992.
Melack, J. M., S. K. Hamilton, K. W. Kratz, and M. W. Williams,
Ecological consequences of acidic deposition in the Sierra Nevada
Third biennial watershed management conference:
Managing California's watersheds at the urban interface,
California Water Resources Center Publication No. 75,
p 47-53, 1991.
Tonnessen, K. A., K. J. Elder, R. C. Kattelmann, and M. W. Williams,
Seasonal snowpack dynamics and chemistry in the Sierra Nevada
(California, USA) and the Tien Shan (Xinjiang Province, China),
Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference,
V 59, p 146-149, 1991.
Williams, M. W., and D. W. Clow,
Hydrologic and biologic consequences of an avalanche striking an ice-covered lake,
Proceedings of the Western Snow Conference,
58, p 51-60, 1990.
Elder, K., M. W. Williams, and J. Dozier,
Spatial considerations of snow chemistry as a non-point contamination
source in alpine watersheds,
Proceedings, First USA/USSR Joint Conference on Environmental Hydrology and Hydrogeology,
American Institute of Hydrology,
Leningrad, Russia, p 31-38, 1990.